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Here are some quick answers to the most commonly asked setup questions.

If you haven't already read the tutorials How it Works and Basic Page Search Setup, we strongly recommend that you do so now.

Where do I find the HTML to add to my site?
Using your browser, log in to the Control Center then go the to the HTML tab page. This page displays a variety of standard search panels. Choose the panel you like best. For more complete information on this, see the tutorial Basic Page Search Setup.
From Setup
How do I include an additional site in my index?
Log in to the Control Center then go the to the build index page page and use the set starting points link. Add the address of the additional site to index, then press the button.
From Setup
How do I index PDF files?
Log in to the Control Center, go to the build index page page and then use the PDF indexing link.
From Setup
I cannot make the search results left margin any larger. Why?
This is because the overall width of the results is too small. Go down to "choose the width of your results" and enter a larger number here. This will allow room for both the margin and the result items.
From Setup
How do I add my logo?
Log in to the Control Center then go the to the customize page and click on the add your logo link. For more complete information on this, see the tutorial Basic Page Search Setup.
From Setup
My logo does not appear. Why?
This is typically because you entered the URL (address) of a page instead of the URL of an image. Image URLs end with ".gif" or ".jpg".

Another common problem is that you did not use the full URL. The URL needs to start with "http://" or "https://", include your domain name, etc.

Occasionally the problem is that your hosting company will only serve an image if it is also serving the page the image is part of. In these cases, it often will display a substitute image instead. If this happens, you need to copy your image to a different host and use it from the new location.

From Setup
How do I customize the search results background?
Log in to the Control Center then go the to the customize page. In the middle of that page, click on the change background link. For more complete information on this, see the tutorial Basic Page Search Setup.
From Setup
My background does not appear. Why?
This is typically because you entered the URL (address) of a page instead of the URL of an image. Image URLs end with ".gif" or ".jpg".

Another common problem is that you did not use the full URL. The URL needs to start with "http://" or "https://", include your domain name, etc.

Occasionally the problem is that your hosting company will only serve an image if it is also serving the page the image is part of. In these cases, it often will display a substitute image instead. If this happens, you need to copy your image to a different host and use it from the new location.

From Setup
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